Geochemistry & CO2 Research

The experience gained over a number of years’ application of consolidated methodologies allows us to provide useful indications for projects covering vast areas or specific research for georesources, spa waters, geothermics, district heating and environmental decontamination.

Geochemical analysis in particular, coupled with in-depth geophysical surveys, constitute the basis for the research and correct exploitation of underground and/or geothermal fluids.

Technical gas geocapture research and rely on geochemical and geological studies as the starting point for the development of strongly growing industrial initiatives.

We are able to conduct chemical analysis of water and gas to reconstruct geochemical and isotopic anomalies, hydrogeology courses, water dating, support studies for the origin of natural and/or artificial pollutants, geothermal anomalies, etc.

We draw upon the experience and skills acquired in geology and underground gas flow dynamics to manage research projects and the exploitation of new initiatives.